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Reflection's on the Water: Pacific Environments - ROW
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Příspěvek Reflection's on the Water: Pacific Environments - ROW 
REFLECTION'S ON THE WATER: Pacific Environments
version 3.3


popis modu:

The new version includes everything needed to run PE3 and an easy to follow guideline, anyone having troubles with PE3 and TM or RSRD, should uninstall all mods and download the file above.

This is for those who are missing the new shell effects and water splashes when using PE3 with Trigger Maru
ROW Pacific Environments3_3a patch for TM ( 101 kb)

For installation read the included readme file.

Pacific Environments 3 optional downloads:
Download ROW Sound mod version 9 here:

Download:ROW / PE2 Jaketooxs seafoam If you don't like the new PE3 seafoam, but remember it may slow down your rig a little as it uses higher resolution textures.

Download low resolution clouds 512 x 512 pixels if you have problems with the highres clouds included in PE3:
PE2.1 clouds in 512 x 512 pixels

Created by the ROW PE3 Team:
Kriller2 - for work on the sky colours, environment colours and cloud textures, land textures and retextured warships and continuing development of ROW.
Dave / LeoVampire - for the original work on datafiles to control sun set, sun rise and alot of brilliant ideas, RIP
Mav87th - Free moving Camera and new periscope.
L3th4l for his fire and smoke textures.
Dr.Beast - for his work on the special effects mods for NSM4,
Nisgeis - for the new Special effects for fire, smoke and oil-leak and depthcharge / shell hits.
Jaketoox - for his first work on the sun sets and sun rises
Coratio ? for his work on the moon texture and peak of waves
Kapitain_zur_see - lightning effects and underwater bubbles and caustics for subs
Torps,LukeFF - for Sound-mod includes realistic submarine interor and engine effects, fire sounds etc.

27/04/2008 v3

Now includes ROW special effects in three versions for better smoke and fire and oil leaks. (look in the options folder, special effects are not compatible with TM !) this mod includes new depth charge effects, shell hit effects, oil leaks and smoke, explosions on the sub before game.
Optimized scene.dat and textures for better performance on less powerfull rigs.
Submarine caustics and roll pitch mod with underwater bubbles.
Improved skytextures and new realistic clouds and better sun sets without seafoam and wakes looking like beer ;-)
New sea foam using Seedlers seafoam, but worked some more on it to make it blend in better with the new sky colours.
New high resolution cloud textures.
- Removed files conflicting with the new RFB.
- new terrain texture, underwater environments and clouds.

I have very low FPS after installing this mod?
Try disable volumetric fog or disable antialiasing or try to install the ?options\ROW PE3 more fps less quality reflections? mod.

Can I use this mod with SH4 Uboat missions?

Can I use Trigger Maru with this mod?
Yes you can, bot be sure to enable this mod AFTER Trigger Maru.

Can I use RFB with this mod?
Yes you can, but be sure to enable this mod AFTER Trigger Maru.

Can I use RSWD with this mod?
Yes you can, but be sure to enable this mod AFTER Trigger Maru And if you allso want Trigger Maru the install order should be as follows(Important!)
1. Trigger Maru
3. PE 3

Can I use Natural Sinking Mechanics with this mod?
Yes use the included "ROW PE3 Special effects for NSM4"

I don't like the yellow floaters in the water - can I remove it?
Yes, If you don't like the plankton from the stock SH4 which is included in this mod, just copy the folder "options\ROW PE3 Install less floater" in your mods directory and enable it in JSGME after PE 3

Can I get a camera flair effect around the sun?
Yes, For a nice camera flair around the sun copy the folder "options\ROW PE3 Install sun flair for camera" in your mods directory and enable it in JSGME after PE 3.

Turn on all video options, PPF, EE and full glare for best colours, this mod was made to make full use of those options.

For the best experience of this mod go to your "My Documents/SH4/Data/cfg/ and open the file "main.cfg" in a texteditor.

Find this code and change Dynamic shadows under [VIDEO]
DynamicShadows=No (new value set to = Yes)

Save the file, start your game and enable all video options, this mod is made to make full use of Postfilters and Envirmental effects!

Gama setting should be set at 50 ? 52.
Background for working on this mod for Reflections on the water / PE1-2-3

My good friend Dave (LeoVampire) was working on this before he passed away at the age of 42 and I was shocked like everybody else in the subsim-community and didn't want to work with the mod anymore.

The team who tested Dave's work before his tragic death where posting on the subsim forums, about how they realy would want his work to be released to the public and how they would like someone to take up his work and help with finishing it, being a member of the ROW team and a good friend of Dave I thought it would be a shame that all his work never had the chance to be released.

This work is dedicated to Dave for being a good friend and a known member of the subsim community for his never-ending striving to archive perfection on everything he did and his way of allway being willing to help people out if they had a problem with this mod and allways had a joke to go with the help

The contents of this mod may NOT be used without written permission from me, we have used huge amounts of time on this mod!
Respect our work and don't use ANY part of this mod without contacting kriller2tester@hotmail.com I personaly send your request further on to the modder responsible for the parts of ROW / PE2 you would like to include in your mod

I am in no way responsible for any accident happening to you or your computer / graphics card while using this PE3. Using this mod is at your own risk so don't contact me if any of these things happen.
Credits for Reflections on the water and Pacific Environments:

"ROW recovery team" testers
Rcjonessnp175,Sqk7744,Donut,Letterboy 1,Snuffy,W_Clear,FooFighters,CaptainHaplo,Reallyde dpoet and MushMartin.
and Monolith, Dr. Beast and others.
- Redwine: for torpedo explosions and underwater depth charge explosions
- Seeadler for his clouds shaders and sea foam, which I modified to match this mod.
- Wclear for his nice water spray effects and for his scene work, some of his ideas for reflections are used in this mod.
- Kapitain_zur_see: For his work on the lightning DDS file's
- Rubini: for his debris mod which he let me include in PE2.
- Nauticalwolf for his work on the trees and helping me with the grass and sand textures.

#2 The camera has been re worked to show all celestrial objets the same size in fallow cam's free cam's and bridge cam plus you can now walk the decks of ships and sub's with it. And when inside of the sub your perspective view now moves with the sub to simulate your actualy being there.

#3 All reflections in the game has been enhanced for every object in the game and now appear as real to life as possable and distort as the sea becomes ruff.

#4 now the water is reflected onto ships and sub's in real form no more random reflection effect's both above and under water. And the deeper you go the more they fade until gone which never happend before in the game.

#5 Sky coloring and water coloring has been made more to a Pacifc color you should and would see in real life and the game now uses all sky color effect's for sun set's to sun rises.

#6 New Oil slik effect's and fire effect's and explosion effect's with reflection enhancements and lighting enhancments.

#7 Also new Seafoam effect's for the game that react to the wind to make it seem more relistic.

#8 That is just the tip of the iceburg and the rest you can find out for yourself!

Naposledy upravil Sarroth dne 03. 07. 2008, 15:27, celkově upraveno 6 krát.

<<<Ubisoft je jednička!

"Žít má cenu pro to, za co stojí umřít."
"Der beste Seemann war doch ich!"
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- aktualizováno a čeká na dobrovolný překlad

<<<Ubisoft je jednička!

"Žít má cenu pro to, za co stojí umřít."
"Der beste Seemann war doch ich!"
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zdravim kapitáni. Má někdo tento mod?? Když jsem ho nainstaloval, tak grafika je sice lepší, ale kamera je zpomalená, myš také, můžu s kamerou skrz všechny objecty, dokonce i skrz dno vody. Aktivoval jsem to přes jsgme. žádnej mod tohle nedělal, jenon tenhle. Zkusil jsem přeinstal hry, ale to taky nezabralo.

Zobrazit informace o autorovi Odeslat soukromou zprávu Odeslat e-mail ICQ

Je to normální(u tohoto modu).

<<<Ubisoft je jednička!

"Žít má cenu pro to, za co stojí umřít."
"Der beste Seemann war doch ich!"
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Sarroth napsal:
Je to normální(u tohoto modu).

aha, tak to je špatně udělaný mod. zkoušel jsem i předešlou verzi, ale ta to taky dělala. Environmental mod taky neni špatný, ale přeci jenom ta voda..neni to ono. snad ta verze PE4 bude v poho.

Zobrazit informace o autorovi Odeslat soukromou zprávu Odeslat e-mail ICQ

No on není špatně udělaný, je to daň za volnou kameru.

<<<Ubisoft je jednička!

"Žít má cenu pro to, za co stojí umřít."
"Der beste Seemann war doch ich!"
Pravidla fóra | Rady ohledně psaní na DF | Ponorkářův slovník | Hledat | Osobní složka
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Sarroth napsal:
No on není špatně udělaný, je to daň za volnou kameru.

takže stačí smazat v cílové složce modu \Mods\#1 PE3 Install\Data\Library

smažte soubor Cameras.dat
-nezapomeňte před touto operací deaktivovat mod a po operaci zas aktivovat

Naposledy upravil vinniczech dne 16. 08. 2008, 19:23, celkově upraveno 3 krát.

Zobrazit informace o autorovi Odeslat soukromou zprávu Odeslat e-mail ICQ

No ale tím o tu volnou kameru samozřejmě přijdeš, ale to tobě asi nevadí.

<<<Ubisoft je jednička!

"Žít má cenu pro to, za co stojí umřít."
"Der beste Seemann war doch ich!"
Pravidla fóra | Rady ohledně psaní na DF | Ponorkářův slovník | Hledat | Osobní složka
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Sarroth napsal:
No ale tím o tu volnou kameru samozřejmě přijdeš, ale to tobě asi nevadí.

no určitě ne. ta mi tam právě vadila. taky jsem měl problémy s grafikou, byla pomalá kamara, byla pomalá myš. tímhle jsem dostal lepší grafiku a zbavil jsem se těhle problémů.

Zobrazit informace o autorovi Odeslat soukromou zprávu Odeslat e-mail ICQ

de vám to stáhnout? mě ne ,vypíšu tam ta 3 písmenka -počkám 45 sekund naskočí mi download manager a nic nestahuje.

tak sem to rozchodil bez download managera a mám to.    omlouvám se za OT. Crying or Very sad

Naposledy upravil U-3500 dne 18. 08. 2008, 09:19, celkově upraveno 1 krát.


Posádka U-1205 ......
Zobrazit informace o autorovi Odeslat soukromou zprávu Odeslat e-mail

nikde to tu nevidim, tak to sem hodim. je vydaná nová verze ROW, která se chlubí číslicí 4.

zde je odkaz na stránky

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