Tohle jsem ted našel na oficiálku UBI:
Missing command line parameter -prodid
1.) Click Start
2.) Type 'regedit' (Without quotes) in search bar.
3.) Click/(Press Enter) the regedit.exe option that appears at the top under programs(1)
4.) If you get an options box appear with a yes/no option - click yes.
5.) In the folder structure on the left: Look for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and double click it to expand it
6.) Under that look for SOFTWARE and double click it to expand it
7.) Under that look for Ubisoft , right click it and choose export.
8.) In the save dialog, click desktop on the left, and type something in the filename box.
9.) Close all windows
10.)Find the file you just saved to your desktop, right click on it and choose edit.
This should open the text file in notepad.
Carefully go through the file, and everywhere you find
change it to say
Save the modified file and close notepad.
Double click the file on your desktop and say yes to everything that follows.
If you get this right - you should now be able to run the game.
<<<Ubisoft je jednička!
"Žít má cenu pro to, za co stojí umřít."
"Der beste Seemann war doch ich!"
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